Revelation of Hope


Amazing Prophecies: Revelation of Hope

Free Lessons & Study Materials



Hosted by:

Belleville Seventh-day Adventist Church  and  Madoc Seventh-day Adventist Church




Study Materials


Lessons 1-7 Week 1 - Lessons PDF / WORD Week 1 - Exhibits PDF / WORD
Lessons 8-14 Week 2 - Lessons PDF / WORD Week 2 - Exhibits PDF / WORD
Lessons 15-19 Week 3 - Lessons PDF / WORD Week 3 - Exhibits PDF / WORD
Lessons 20-24 Week 4 - Lessons PDF / WORD Week 4 - Exhibits PDF / WORD


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"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6
Please click the link for decision card


Video Lessons